News & Insights #7
Petrobras' (special) dividend soap *** Tianjin Development *** Sintana Energy *** and more
Early in the week, I wrote about a new position (founders-only) in a European microcap, here. It is a stock for the ‘long-tails’ part of the portfolio. A stock with long runway potential like Biorem and Sintana Energy, and with (much) lower risk imo.
Btw, if you want to have a chance of buying cheap stocks. Then you may want to think about doing it sooner than later. There are insiders luring at doing take-under offers, as we saw this week with Greek software company Epsilon Net. Earlier, we already saw a continuing wave of takeovers of small/microcaps in Canada.
Thusfar, the Founders section contains the following content;
Portfolio; This is intended as an evergreen post (always the most-recent version).
Index; This is a useful evergreen guide to navigate to key posts and companies on this substack.
Financial analyses; the first models are up and running. To-date, there are spreadsheets on Yum China, DPC Dash (Domino’s China), and the Namibian oil assets for Africa Oil and Sintana Energy.
Is there any interest for a spreadsheet with the sum-of-the-parts for Tanjin Development?
Exclusive stock idea on a European microcap
Hidden gems
Petrobras; Remarkably, after 25+ years of investing, I keep on being surprised and fascinated by certain sudden changes in sentiment and perception in the stock market (… and at other times lack thereof, despite valid reasons).
Petrobras was such a situation. The stock went from hated in the run-up to the presidential elections, to adored for its blockbuster dividend(s) (potential), to puked-out on the shifting focus towards renewable energy investments and rising uncertainty whether it would pay special divies.