News & Insights #40; Platform models
A nascent platform business in the healthcare sector reminds me of extremely valuable companies like Meta (fka Facebook) and Alphabet (fka Google)
In the past year of jaminvest, the content has had a skew towards absurd-cheap Hong Kong stocks (HK 第部分) and Canadian stocks (Biorem, Sintana Energy, Sylogist, etc). Those were just two countries where I found most of my new ideas. Therefore, you may have overlooked one of the most promising companies in my portfolio (f🔐). A smallcap company, which is blossoming as a nascent platform company, gradually building a dominant moat in the healthcare sector. Chances are that this one stock will make my other stocks pale in comparison, over time. That’s the key Hidden gem in this post.
This edition also has lots of other interesting content;
Another gusher for Sintana Energy,
Results from SUTL Enterprise,
Several opportunities in Hong Kong, amongst which
A 16%+ special dividend stock
A Dollar trading for Pennies; 14 pennies on the Dollar to be exact, which recently turned profitable
And more…