HK 第9部分; Positive profit alert
The eagle has landed. One part of the thesis on Benjamin #2 just materialized; a positive profit alert.
The eagle has landed. One part of the thesis on Benjamin #2 just materialized; A positive profit alert. Unfortunately, the news came a week earlier than I expected. Hopefully, you still managed to get shares, if you were planning to.
If not, no worries. Benjamin #2 is still absurdly cheap. In fact it likely trades at an enterprise value of ZERO.
“…the Group is expected to record a net profit for the year ended 31 December 2023 in the range of approximately RMB146 million to RMB153 million, representing an increase of approximately 26% to 32% as compared to the net profit of approximately RMB116 million for the corresponding period in 2022 (the “Prior Period”).”