HK 第10部分; Benjamin #2 & Mickey Mouse
This is already part 10 of the HK stocks series!! It reveals the identity of mystery stock "Benjamin #2", and provides notes on some Mickey Mouse stocks, a.k.a. nano-caps.
The big reveal; unmasking Benjamin #2
Let’s find out what mystery stock hides behind Benjamin #2! Along with the revalation in this post, I have extended the previews of the two most-recent paid posts on Benjamin #2.
On 2024/02/08 (paid), I first introduced the thesis on “Benjamin #2”. An ‘on-trend’ healthy snacks and food company, selling mostly via e-commerce and social media channels.
It is very odd for an on-trend staples company with high ROICs and strong FCF generation to be as cheap as it was. On my estimates, it was trading at about 5x P/E and 11% FCF-yield. Moreover, the market cap was more than completely covered by the year-end 2023E net cash position. It had a negative enterprise value!