Hidden gems #6; Sylogist
A rare hidden gem on the usually horrific Canadian corporate filings service, Sedar
The illustration above comes from this Cantech Letter article; You haven’t missed the boat on Sylogist, Echelon says. While I agree on the statement… is it not odd that the “SYZ” boat and masses of people seem to be on a collission course?! It looks very odd to me, particularly given Sylogist’s approach of collaborating closely with its stakeholders to achieve optimal results and satisfaction. That’s the opposite from the illustrated collission course.
One of the large frustrations as an investor is the hassle of finding good information. Fortunately, the more friction in the information flow, the fewer investors will go through the trouble, and the more likely it is to find some valuation dis-connect. U.S. corporate filings are generally considered as the gold standard. The no-nonsense standardized reporting format of SEC filings contains a lot of basic info that investors need. Canadian filings, on the other hand, are usually horrific…just the process of finding them on SEDAR alone, puts off masses of investors. Lucky me, I pay TIKR.com to alleviate the pain. Now, you can imagine my surprise to find a real gem out there in the Annual Information Form from Sylogist $SYZ.to.